Annie Hamilton

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Working as ‘Positive Health’, (alongside a colleague offering nutritional therapy) I specialise in gentle, but highly effective, physical therapies. Annie Hamilton 1

I use two progressive methods The Bowen Technique from Australia and Amatsu from Japan. I have been working with the methods for around 4 years  and never cease to be amazed at the results they produce.


I run a clinic from my home in a beautiful Chiltern village near Wendover, welcoming clients of all ages - from babies to the elderly.


Having very unique styles both therapies have been regularly been labelled as “reaching the parts that others don’t reach!” Clients who have received other treatments often find that it is the subtle power of Bowen or Amatsu, working with the body not against it,that finally brings about the most significant changes


The list of conditions which can be addressed is long (see below.) I am happy to take telephone calls or emails if you would like to discuss if Bowen or Amatsu could help your particular concerns.



I work from my home clinic near Wendover.

Clinic hours are flexible including a select number of evening appointments and Saturday mornings.


t: 01296 625098

e: [email protected]



*I offer a £15 discount off the first consultation for visitors to The Healing Tree



What conditions and ages do we treat?

Using Bowen, Amatsu and, at times, nutritional therapy, Positive Health can help with a very wide range of conditions, both acute and chronic. It can address not only muscular-skeletal issues but also internal, systemic conditions. Whatever the issue, the patient and their body are treated as a whole rather than for the presenting symptoms, with the aim being to return to the root cause of the problem and gradually restore overall balance.

Both therapies are both appropriate for rehabilitation after injuries, accidents or operations.

People in relatively good health can also use treatment to maintain optimum body balance.

Athletes have found that regular sessions will balance body systems leading to improved oxygen flow, flexibility and stamina.

The following are some of the conditions which have benefited from treatment:

- Ankle problems

- Arthritis

- Asthma

- Baby colic

- Back pain

- Bed- wetting

- Carpal tunnel

- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME

- Digestive disorders

- Foot pain

- Frozen shoulder

- Groin strain

- Hand/wrist problems

- Headache/migraine

- Hip problems


- Jaw pain

- Knee issues

- MS

- Muscle spasm

- Neck pain

- Pregnancy discomfort


- Referred Pain

- Sciatica

- Sports injuries/strains

- Sprained joints

- Tennis elbow

- Whiplash

  Annie Hamilton 2At Positive Health we can cater for all ages, from babies to the elderly. Bowen, in particular, has been widely used for treating baby colic, bedwetting, childhood disabilities and behavioural difficulties as well as asthma. (

It is excellent for those who are unable to take much treatment such as chronic fatigue, ME and fibromyalgia.

National Bowen studies have been carried out to offer quantifiable evidence for certain issues including frozen shoulder, migraine and fibromyalgia. In 2005 and 2007 practitioners took part into a study of the effect of Bowen on back pain which showed that around 90% of recipients had complete or significant improvement. Similar studies were done in 2008 on neck and shoulder pain which showed full or partial recovery rates to be at 86%. In 2009 the knee and ankle study put recovery/improvement at 88%.









The Bowen Technique is recognised as one of the most gentle but far reaching, muscle-release therapies. It uses precise movements over muscles, tendons and ligaments promoting the body to find its own balance. As noted above, it has found to be beneficial for a very wide range of conditions, both muscular-skeletal and internal, systemic problems.


Many well-known therapies focus on continuous contact with the client, whether it is massage, adjustment, stretch or machines. Bowen, however, uniquely combines sets of work on the body with structured rest breaks where the practitioner leaves the client resting on the couch for a few minutes. The moves applied to the body cue the brain to sort out its own functional problems while the breaks give the body genuine time to respond.

Research has shown that the slow measured pace of Bowen work initiates an automatic regulation process to occur in the nervous system and, consequently, throughout the whole body from a cellular level upwards. Hence it prompts a rebalance of structure and internal systems which can, in turn, promote pain relief, relaxation, recovery and repair.


As it relaxes muscle and nervous tension Bowen not only relieves pain but can also   renew energy levels. It can revitalize a congested lymphatic system which itself can cause low

immunity, a build-up of toxins in the body- possibly leading to pain and inflammation - stress, anxiety or depression.

It is often described as a therapy which ‘reaches the parts that others cannot reach’; clients who have received other treatments to no effect often find that Bowen has the subtle ability to treat their condition.


This gentle pace also leads to a real sense of relaxation, a chance to benefit from some all-too-precious “time-out”.

Regular Bowen users therefore enjoy the fact that each session is not only remedial but also relaxing at the same time.

The History of The Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is named after an Australian, Tom Bowen (1916 – 1982) who had a natural gift for bodywork. He was initially a factory worker in Geelong but his interest and ability led him to treat members of his community, at first around his regular employment. By the early 1940’s his reputation for success meant that he began to practise full-time and, in 1978,  is quoted as treating up to 13,000 clients per year, around 250 people per week!


Towards the end of his life several men observed and documented Tom’s work and Bowen was introduced as ‘The Bowen Technique’ into the UK in the early 1990’s. It is now practised in over 30 countries and still remains close to the simple, yet measured, work that Tom practised.





What happens during a treatment?


A Bowen treatment will last approximately 1 hour including consultation. A patient may generally remain dressed in light sports-type clothing (no jeans or thick material) although at times your practitioner may request removal of some upper layers to study the body in more detail or apply certain moves.

Annie will take a full medical history and carry out a clinical assessment as appropriate. The patient is asked to relax on the couch while groups of moves interspersed with rest breaks are carried out.

It is important to note that a person who has problems with lying supine or prone - such as wheelchair uses, those with acute back pain, or during pregnancy - may be treated seated or side-lying.

Annie uses only thumbs and fingers to make subtle, dynamic moves over muscles, tendons and ligaments along the spine and at key structural points around the body.

During the Bowen breaks, the body has a window to respond to these gentle signals.

For certain conditions simple exercises may be given to the patient to use between sessions.

How many sessions are required?


Initially 2- 3 sessions about 7 – 10 days apart are recommended. However many people experience an improvement in just 1 session, especially after a recent injury. After the first weeks Annie, together with her client, will decide if further treatments would be necessary or beneficial. In general, steady work to ‘unpeel’  the layers to core level will result in a more complete healing and reduce the likelihood of  reoccurrence and reinjury.With chronic conditions several sessions may be needed to obtain and maintain positive results.


Sessions need to be scheduled around any activities that may aggravate a muscular condition. It is important not to have any other manipulative treatment during a course of Bowen as this can confuse the healing patterns which Bowen has set in motion.


In general prevention is always better than cure. Clients who come for maintenance sessions at regular intervals notice a reduction in illness, pain and stress levels.


Contact details



Annie works out of her home clinic near Wendover.

Clinic hours are flexible including a select number of evening appointments and Saturday mornings.


t: 01296 625098

e: [email protected]



*Annie offers a £15 discount off the first consultation for visitors to The Healing Tree






“The treatment has given me renewed energy and vigour. I’ve got my life back.”

                                                                                           SB, Female aged 63 years


“I was a big sceptic but found the technique very relaxing and interesting. Made me stop and think!”                                                                             LR, Female, aged 60 years


Back Pain/sciatica

J, an ex- nurse, had had intermittent lumbar pain over the years. 2 days before coming for her 1st Bowen session she had a flare up with suspected bulging intervertebral disc, muscle spasm and constant painful sciatica. After just 2 sessions she was already feeling “much better”.


“After a little discomfort I slept a whole night awakening with no pain and have never really looked back! It has helped my whole well-being and I feel more upright than I have been for many months.”                                                                     JH, Female aged 65 years






“When I was training for the London Marathon I found Bowen a wonderful way of keeping my muscles relaxed and lengthened. When was running my late practise runs of around 20 miles I was already looking forward to my pre-booked Bowen sessions with Annie the next day!”


    E.W. (48yrs) Pilates, swimming and trampolining instructor.



M, came for treatment for a painful shoulder from an incident 6 weeks previously. After 3 sessions the pain had gone completely but she was more pleased that her ankle, which had restricted movement for over a year released and returned to full mobility.

“I didn’t even tell Annie about my ankle problem as I assumed that was the way it was going to stay….”

                                                                                               MF, female, aged 42 yrs.



Frozen shoulder

3 years previously B had injured his shoulder during a fall. After many other therapeutic treatments, including manipulation under anaesthetic, he still could not move his shoulder above the horizontal. After just 2 sessions and gentled exercises his shoulder released and, much to his surprise he regained full mobility. He is delighted to “be able to wash my hair again and do DIY.                                                                        BR, male, aged 70 yrs.



Headaches, back neck and shoulder pain.

 S, a keen horse rider, suffered constant mild headaches and pain running down her neck across the shoulder. She had also had constant low-level pain in her thoracic spine since the age of 12. After a course of treatment her back pain disappeared completely, headaches and neck/shoulder pain now only manifest on the odd occasion.

                                                                                                SS, Female aged 18yrs.



A, had had arthritis for around 20 years, particularly hip and ankle. She arrived after a flare-up, leaving her “hobbling” when walking the dog. Bowen treatment resulted in and increase in energy, a feeling of being “cleansed” and return to striding out when walking the dog.

                                                                                               AC, Female, aged 77yrs.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

K had had CFS for around 11 years with widespread joint and muscle pain, poor sleep and daily fatigue. After her 1st session she slept through the night all week and had immediate alleviation in her pain levels. After 3 sessions she described the pain as “negligible” and her energy and concentration much improved. She continues to have maintenance sessions until she was posted elsewhere with her job in the forces.


                                                                                          KH, Female, aged 34 years.


Painful arm

“The doctor had said that he could do no more for me as the ligaments had been damaged. It was very painful and I even had difficulty lifting a kettle. I only saw Annie for 1 session before the pain started to ease and movement began to return. It was quite miraculous really…!”                                                                                IS, Male, aged 82 years.






“I have suffered with migraines since my teenage years controlling them with drugs. I was recommended to see Annie by a friend. I had a course of therapy and the migraines have definitely become far less frequent and I have long periods of respite. Bowen also seems to help my general aches and pains.”                                             BB, Female aged 50 years



Post Operative - Hysterectomy

J had a minimal Bowen treatment just 2 weeks a complicated hysterectomy. At that stage she was still unable to stand comfortably in an upright position. After sleeping for a couple of hours she was amazed to find that she could stand fully upright again. She continued to receive Bowen for a few weeks, her pelvic balance returned quickly and her overall recovery was much faster than predicted.

                                                                                          JB, Female, aged 43 years