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» Listings for 2009

  1. At tonight's Healing Tree Network event, we will be talking about holistic holidays.  I have collated suggestions from some of our member practitioners to create a pick 'n' mix list! 
    Interestingly, the most popular suggestions have actually been things to take and do prior to actually departing.  Top of the list was a good quality pro-biotic, taken for a couple of weeks before you leave and continued whilst on holiday.  This will not only make your digestive system stronger by building up the healthy flora and making you more resistant to holiday tummy, but also help you build up your Vitamin B levels.  Add to this a Vit B complex supplement and you will become the least attractive person around - but only to biting insects.
    Citracidal drops, taken in the same way, will also build your resistance to gastric problems.
    Dry skin brushing or regular use of a sea salt shower scrub will ensure that your skin is in tip-top condition and will already have a healthy glow, especially in combination with a well-balanced diet, rich in Vit A and E - and as always, water, water, water! 


  2. I feel the need, (despite having so much to do that I keep bumping into myself on the way back), to write a bit about those wonderful people who restore your faith in human nature!  You know how you can meet taps (who fill your bucket) and drains (who empty it) - well I have a friend who has turned on her tap and topped up the bucket!  Interesting thing is - she has the busiest week she has had for months or possibly years.  Check out all the wonderful things she can do!!

  3. A quote from a popular magazine - "Dermal fillers are an effective way to restore a youthful appearance".  Or are they just a way to disguise the natural glow and beauty which comes with graceful maturity?  Why are there people who feel they can't afford to pay for holistic medicine, which can improve their lives for their whole lives, and yet, they will spend between £250 - £600 to have a few facial "imperfections" pumped full of fillers which will last between 4 and 15 months?  What is it that makes women as young as 30 feel the need to look like dolls?   Have we forgotten that true beauty comes from within?  Perhaps a few visits to all the marvelous holistic practitioners out there would make these poor souls feel so much better about themselves that they wouldn't need to hide their true selves.  Ladies, embrace your inner Goddess and the rest of the world will too!

  4. Last night was the first public Healing Tree Network event.  Our 17 practitioners in attendance had expert knowledge of no less than 60 different practices and products!  Our speakers were amazing - Elizabeth Calderara and Joanne Boyden-Wilson held the audience with their knowledgeable and entertaining presentations.  I don't know about the other people there, but I learnt a lot from them and the other practitioners.  Do you know all about Amatsu, Reflexology,Scenar, soap nuts, Psychic Mediums and a dozen other fascinating therapies?  No?  Better come to the next event then!!!